Internship Opportunities

Can a college student work with MBHA as an intern?
Yes. MBHA can work with the local universities and colleges to provide interns with high-quality educational experiences. The MBHA Intern Coordinator is the Chairperson of the Intern Committee and works with the interns and the faculty advisor and follows the MBHA Internship Policy and Procedure. The MBHA Internship Program consists of three stages: 1) Orientation, Observation, and Training 2) Resource Development and 3) Community Presentation.

What areas of study do you support?
The primary areas of internship are: 1) Kinesiology,
2) Collaborative Health and Human Services, and 3) Cinematic Arts and Technology. We have opportunities available to work with mentors as health education writers, graphic art designers, researchers, demographic specialist, video editing and producing, and to work closely with practitioners, lecturers, authors or guest speakers to provide health events and workshops.

How is an intern evaluated?
The final project, or Capstone, is a community presentation. It might include:
Serving as an Assistant Health and Wellness Educator, providing research information and or assistance at a community health education event.
Working as an Assistant Editor and Producer, producing a health education video or PowerPoint presentation
Working as a Computer Graphics Artist or Designer, creating an art product, multimedia work, infographic or tabletop presentation
Or another project not mentioned above but agreed upon by the Internship Committee, the university or college faculty internship advisor, and the MBHA Board of Directors.

How does one get started?
The internship program is a cooperative effort between the university or college, the MBHA, and the student requiring approval on behalf of both organizations and the individual. If you are interested in the internship program, start with filling out the application form and reading the policies and procedures. Contact us so that we can get started with the internship application process. Thank you.
Volunteer and Internship Brochure and Application